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[2019 K-LAW 포럼] Institutionalization of the Peace Process on the Korean Peninsula
  • 행사일자 2019-05-29 ~ 2019-05-29 행사시간
  • 행사장소 미국 워싱턴 아메리칸대학교로스쿨(AUWCL)
  • 조회수 3337
Institutionalization of the Peace Process on the Korean Peninsula
- DATE May 29, 2019 (Wed.)
- VENUE NT01, American University Washington College of Law
Opening Ceremony
M.C.: Hyo Young Kong | Senior Researcher, Office of International Cooperation, KLRI
Session I  Legal issues of institutionalization of the Korean Peace Process from the international law perspective Cases and lessons from the comparative law perspective
Moderator: You Choi | Director, Office of Korean Reunification Law Research, KLRI
SessionⅡ Legal Research and Research Cooperation for Revitalizing and Developing Inter Korean Relations
Moderator: Hyunggun Kim | Director, Office of International Cooperation, KLRI